26-29 June 2025



14 April 2025


Festival FeNS

🌟 Največji mednarodni glasbeni festival za mlade v Sloveniji.

🌟 Festival avtorskih skladb, glasbe, besedil in priredb.

🌟 Člani mednarodnega združenja festivalov WAF – World association of festivals, ki povezuje festivale in skupnosti držav Evrope in Balkana.

🌟 Povezujemo in združujemo mlade glasbenike, mentorje, avtorje, producente in založnike v svetu popularne glasbe.

🌟 Promoviramo in podpiramo mlade glasbenike in njihovo ustvarjanje. Na festivalu pridobijo neprecenljive izkušnje, ki jim odpirajo vrata v svet glasbe.

Age groups

🌟 CHILDREN FeNS (up to 9 years and 9-11 years)

🌟 TEENAGERS FeNS (11-13 and 13-15 years)

🌟 NEW SCENE (15-18 years and 19-29 years)





LUKA KOPER – Živeti s pristaniščem



The most successful musicians started at FeNS festival

🌟 More than two thousand performers with thousands of companions and supporters attended the festival until today.

🌟 Among the most successful FeNS participants: Tinkara Kovač, Eva Černe, Ajda Stina Turek, Lea Sirk, Aleksandra Čermelj, Lara Baruca, Ylenia Zobec, Eva Boto, Sara Briški Cirman (Raiven), Brigita Schuler, Nastja Gabor, Ditka Čepin, Siddharta, Kingston, Nude, Tina Marinšek (with the Ultra group), Alya, Polona Furlan, Andraž Hribar, Monika Pučelj, Pika Božič, Botri, Foxy Teens …

Members of WAF – World Association of Festivals

🌟 Young, hopeful musicians participate on FeNS festival from Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Romania, Malta, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia …



Let’s go to FeNS,
Let’s sing and dance!
With the music we have fun,
Our voice can reach the sun.
Let’s go to FeNS!

Uživaj v poletju, pojdi na zabavo.
A vendar pazi nase, ne skači na glavo.
Saj tvoje življenje je v tvojih dlaneh.
Zato ga varuj in ovij ga v smeh.

Let’s go to FeNS,
Let’s sing and dance!
With the music we have fun,
Our voice can reach the sun.
Let’s go to FeNS, FeNS, FeNS …

V sebi čutim ritem, ritem srca.
Spreminja se v glasbo, ki seže do neba.
Primi me za roko, da začutiš ta beat.
Daj, zamigaj z mano, bodiva fit!

Let’s go to FeNS,
Let’s sing and dance!
With the music we have fun
Our voice can reach the sun.
Let’s go to FeNS, FeNS, FeNS …

Pridi na FeNS!